So, if you ever reach the stage of having to recall a message on Outlook, then you know how to recall an email in Outlook | Undo Send in Gmail Undo Send is now a default feature of Gmail |
This feature is available on Windows systems only and not on Mac systems or Outlook on the Web• You send a message to a public folder | The e-mail was sent within the same organisation using the Outlook desktop app or Microsoft 365• You use Outlook 2016 for Windows |
Important: If your account is a MAPI or POP account, recall won't work.
18A new message window appears containing the text from the message you want to recall and resend | Select the Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient check box |
There's no universal rule that an email server should abide by a recall request; in fact, it won't even get processed | Only the recall message will remain in the public folder and the sender will receive the message about the recall success |