The favourite occupation of such people in Paradise will be the same as during their life on the earth - to celebrate the praise of God | Subtly, the verse suggests that when people are admitted to Paradise, they will not instantly pounce upon the objects of their desire as the starved and hungry are wont to do when they observe food |
Melayu - Basmeih : Doa ucapan mereka di dalam Syurga itu ialah Maha Suci Engkau dari segala kekurangan wahai Tuhan Dan ucapan penghormatan mereka padanya ialah Selamat sejahtera Dan akhir doa mereka ialah segala puji dipersembahkan kepada Allah yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam• This will be their nature because of the increasing bounties of Allah upon them | So praise be to Allah for there is no God but He and no Lord save He |
Ayat ini diturunkan sewaktu orang-orang musyrik meminta disegerakan turunnya azab.
19Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Do'a mereka di dalamnya ialah "Subhanakallahumma" dan salam penghormatan mereka ialah "Salam" Dan penutup doa mereka ialah "Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil 'aalamin"• The Ayah also indicates that Allah is the Praised One in this world and in the Hereafter and in all situations | Somali - Abduh : Yeedhidooduna dhexdeeda waa Eebow waad Nasahantahay Bariidadooduna waa Nabadgalyo Salaan Ducadooduna waxaa ugu Dambayn Mahad Ilaahbaa leh Eebaha Caalamka ah• and the close of their cry will be: "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds! He also praised Himself in the beginning of His Book and the beginning of its revelation |
English - Sahih International : Their call therein will be "Exalted are You O Allah" and their greeting therein will be "Peace" And the last of their call will be "Praise to Allah Lord of the worlds"• Likewise, their relationships in Paradise will be imbued with feelings of mutual harmony and concern for each other's well-being as had been the case in this world | Nor will they frantically go about giving vent to their lusts, impatiently demanding their cherished objects of enjoyment - beautiful women, wine, dissolute singing and music |
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Wito wao humo utakuwa Subhanaka Llahumma "Umetakasika Ee Mwenyezi Mungu" Na maamkio yao humo ni "Salama" Na mwisho wa wito wao ni Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A'lamiin "Kuhimidiwa kote ni kwa Mwenyezi Mungu Mola Mlezi wa walimwengu wote"• Those same traits which characterized their behaviour in the world will appear with even greater lustre | This should remove any misconceptions about Paradise which seem to have been formed by some people of frail understanding |
'' And Salam peace, safety from evil will be their greetings therein! " And "Peace" will be their greeting therein! These bounties are repeated and brought back again and increased with no limit or termination | '' 13:23-24 In Allah's statement, |
But only the saying of: Salam! The fact is that the men of faith and righteousness who are admitted to Paradise will be those who, during their life in the world, have embellished their lives with sublime ideas and noble deeds, who have refined their emotions, who have oriented their desires in the right direction, and who have purified their conduct and character.