من شروط الرقية الشرعية أن تكون بلسان عربي أو أجنبي حتى ولو لم يفهم معناه. 11 شروط الرقية الشرعية

Irene Blomm, William Theodore De Bary, Columbia University Press, 1990, p Crone and Cook, Patricia and Michael 1980
Encyclopaedia of the Qur-an — Byzantines• Encounters of Words and Texts: Intercultural Studies in Honor of Stefan Wild


Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Hagarism: the Making of the Islamic World
فتاوى سماحة الشيخ عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن الجبرين
The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Competition
1985 The Art of Reciting the Quran, University of Texas Press, Austin• But if you look at it, you will notice that every fifth sentence or so simply doesn't make sense
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation• 2004 Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Quran, Oxford University Press, Oxford• the fact is that a fifth of the Koranic text is just incomprehensible
Luxenberg, Christoph 2007 English edition Encyclopaedia of the Qur-an — Miracles• In Baker encyclopedia of Christian apologetics

مجمع إرادة للصحة النفسية بالرياض

Rashad Khalifa, Quran: Visual Presentation of the Miracle, Islamic Productions International, 1982.

11 شروط الرقية الشرعية
Arthur Arberry, The Koran Interpreted, London 1956, , p
The Qur'an as Text , ed
11 شروط الرقية الشرعية