اختبار ايلتس تجريبي. نموذج اختبار الايلتس تجريبي

… centres in the park• Children ask any staff member for help• e D- Tap water is usually safe to drink e What measures could be taken to overcome these problems? We need to find out what our ancestors did eat, so researchers are studying some existing hunter-gatherer tribes
e What problems does this shortage cause? … e Problems with Caveman diet: e• e Write the correct letters in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet e Which TWO of the following claims about water are made by the writer? e E- Public water supplies need better maintenance


e 7 It is particularly useful during emergencies.

نموذج اختبار الايلتس مع الاجابات استماع
So, instead, they eat foods that their wives gather
نموذج امتحان الايلتس مع الاجابة pdf
Jains — vegetarian, but milk is permitted•
نموذج اختبار الايلتس تجريبي
e Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer
Questions 6—11 Classify the following statements as referring to A- reverse osmosis B- UV light treatment C- chlorination D- distillation Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 6—11 on your answer sheet e NB You may use any letter more than once
e Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer e 10 It removes all mineral particles

اختبار مدى التقدم لآيلتس

e Variation in global diets: e• e Questions 35—36 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

اختبار ايلتس تجريبي
B in either order 13
اختبار ايلتس تجريبي
Ask security team at the 20 ………………
نموذج اختبار الايلتس مع الاجابات استماع
e 8 It uses a physical barrier to separate unwanted matter from water