مسجد الحسن الثاني. تعليقات حول مسجد الحسن الثاني

Minaret [ ] Hassan II Mosque minaret This was explained as being due to exposure to the salt water of the Atlantic Ocean, into which nearly half of the mosque's foundation projects
Work commenced on July 12, 1986, and was conducted over a seven-year period Restoration works [ ] Structural deterioration in the concrete wall was observed ten years after the mosque's completion

متى بني مسجد الحسن الثاني ومن شرع في بنائه

I saw several people arrive with their guides who simply took them to the same line that I stood in.

مسجد الحسن الثاني
Geometrically shaped with carved plaster are noted with floral and geometric designs with epigraphy
مسجد الحسن الثاني: تحفة معمارية في المغرب العربي وشمال إفريقيا
The central hall is centrally heated, and provides spectacular underwater views of the Atlantic Ocean
The construction work involved engagement of 35,000 workers and working of over 50 million hours
The 9-hectare 22-acre complex nestles between the harbor and the Two stories in height, it is constructed in a semi-circular shape, with abutting qibla wall and the section
Architecture and fittings [ ] In the words of the authors of the book Morocco Country Study Guide, the Hassan II Mosque "undeniably marks the continuity of a modernized ancestral art and bears the sign of innovations that are due not only to technical reasons but also to a fertile exploration of new aesthetic possibilities It is so large that it can easily accommodate the house of the or

أجمل المساجد

Paul Clammer 1 February 2009.

مسجد تحفة معمارية على مياه الأطلسي
Salt water migrating into the porous concrete caused the rusting of the steel reinforcements resulting in expansion of the steel and causing cracking of concrete
أجمل المساجد
Several people referenced booking a tour including on this site
مسجد الحسن الثاني في الدار البيضاء
The basilical plan of the mosque justifies this layout of the boulevard