Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh berlaku adil dan berbuat kebaikan serta memberi bantuan kepada kaum kerabat; dan melarang daripada melakukan perbuatanperbuatan yang keji dan mungkar serta kezaliman Ia mengajar kamu dengan suruhan dan laranganNya ini supaya kamu mengambil peringatan mematuhiNya• For instance, equality in social status and rights between parents and their children will obviously be wrong | Somali - Abduh : Eebe wuxuu Fari Caddaalad iyo Samafal iyo Wax siinta qaraabada Wuxuuna reebi Xumaan iyo Munkar iyo Gardarro Wuuna idin Waanin inaad wax Xasuusataan• Likewise those who render services of superior and inferior types cannot be equal in regard to wages and salaries |
This enjoins on everyone who possesses ample means to acknowledge the share of one's deserving relatives along with the rights of one's own person and family | Lafal al-baghyu disebutkan di sini secara khusus sebagai pertanda, bahwa ia harus lebih dijauhi; dan demikian pula halnya dengan penyebutan lafal al-fahsyaa Dia memberi pengajaran kepada kalian melalui perintah dan larangan-Nya agar kalian dapat mengambil pelajaran mengambil pelajaran dari hal tersebut |
For example, aII citizens should have equal rights of citizenship but in other cases equality in rights would be injustice.
28To make such arrangements as may enable everyone to get one's due rights without stint | It means that one should not only treat one's relatives well, share their sorrows and pleasures and help them within lawful limits but should also share one's wealth with them according to one's means and the need of each relative |
As it considers the family to be an important part of society, it lays down that the first right of needy individuals is on its well-to-do members and then on the others |
It is obvious that no society can flourish if every individual insists on exacting his pound of flesh.