قف شامخا مثل المآذن طولا. «قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولاً»

3s ease-in; border-bottom: 0; color: ffffff! ones you took yourself, are allowed No homophobia Homophobia is strictly forbidden
For questions that are not open-ended and only require a quick answer please use the pinned open discussion threads We ask that you use the pinned open discussion threads instead, where you can promote your content, engage with the community, and get feedback

Stream نشيد قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولا #إدلب by أنس


الشاعر الكبير غازي الجمل لو لم يهدي الأمة العربية سوى (قف شامخاً ) لكفته. فيديو
No outrage posts Crossposting offensive and obviously inflammatory social media posts is not allowed
5s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0
Stream نشيد قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولا #إدلب by أنس
This is not a photo album All non-original photograph posts — cities, nature, bedouins, etc
Don't engage in racism, sexism, sectarianism, homophobia, or any other form of bigotry important; text-align: center; text-decoration: none! Be civil Above all, be civil
com" url: text search for "text" in url selftext: text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes or self:no include or exclude self posts nsfw:yes or nsfw:no include or exclude results marked as NSFW e This only applies to photographs

الشاعر الكبير غازي الجمل لو لم يهدي الأمة العربية سوى (قف شامخاً ) لكفته. فيديو

If you must argue, argue in good faith.

مقال ل أنور الصوفي: قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولاً
No low-effort posts As the subreddit grows and the volume of posts with it, the need to be regulate them becomes a necessity
Some exceptions apply: for purely Islamic matters use
قف شامخاً
For help learning Arabic use
No preaching This is not a Muslim or Christian subreddit 5s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0
Examples include links to wikipedia articles; unsourced historical pictures with no context and information; screenshots from social media; your personal DNA ancestry results, and so on Posts like this only serve to produce outrage and indulge in the worst and most toxic aspect of an online community - circlejerking in self-righteous rage and frenzied mob mentality


If you feel you must bring light to such posts, please use the open discussion threads.

مقال ل أنور الصوفي: قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولاً
Keep posts relevant to the subreddit Broadly speaking, anything concerning the Arab World, Arabic culture, and the various Arab states, including ethnic and linguistic minorities therein, is welcome
قصيدة قف شامخاً
com find submissions from "example
«قف شامخاً مثل المآذن طولاً»
— belong in the open discussion threads